To observe scientifically, without judgment, being completely in the present moment, being able to see what we really have in front, is an arduous task that requires training, the Montessori guides are prepared and carry out this work in their day to day. This allows them to guide each child in their individual interests and needs. Parents will have the opportunity every year to come and observe the work of their children, the group and the guides during a work cycle (3 hours). Previously we will share a day in which they will be given some brushstrokes on how to make these scientific observations without interfering with the course of the work cycle in the Montessori environment. Below, you will find a series of videos in which different Houses of Children appear in different places of the world, but with the cycle of work in common. During these videos or during the observations in our environment what do you see will be: Look at the environment and note · Beauty and order in the classroom. · The wide variety of materials available for children. · Movement and low levels of sound in the classroom. .Now, watch the group as a whole, and a few children in particular.
·You will observe them choosing and initiating their own work. · Watch them working independently and focusing on what they are doing. · Observe them carefully using the material. ·You will observe them finishing their work and returning it to its initial location. · You will observe them socializing among them. Now look at the role of the guides
· You will see how the guides invite children to use certain materials. · Observe them by presenting new activities individually. ·You will see them observe the children and take note of their observations. · Observe them in their role of facilitating the resolution of conflicts. |